Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Pick of the Week: Sep 14th-21st


I know this might be hard to believe, with all the great shows I have access to here at C3, but the Parlor Mob is the show I'v ebeen looking forward to this month out of any, save for ACL itself. I saw the Mob the last time they came through Austin, and they blew me away. They were polished, the came with tons of energy, they had plenty of blazing duel guitar ear candy, emotion in spades, and, above all else, watching the group gave me this feeling that I was a part of something special, an exclusive member of a diverse, yet small group of witnesses to a sleeping giant taking its first morning breaths and turning up the blistering rock radio before letting loose on the unsuspecting world. At that show, there were about 40 people in the audience. This time around, I expect there to be considerably more, now that there's been time for the word to spread, cus the witnesses, we've been talking.

If you're one of those people that doesn't like to see bands they've never heard before because they get disappointed by the usual lack of stage presence we in the off-radio music community so often deal with, this is your show.

If you're a ex-hard rock disciple who misses the golden days and thinks he's never going to hear the music he loves live again, this is the show for you.

If you play an instrument, any instrument, this is the show for you.

The Parlor Mob has something for everyone, and the price is so so right (only $8!?!?), which is why I'm making them my pick of the week.

Get your tickets to the Pick of the Week

Honorary Mention: Dark Star Orchestra @ Stubb's Waller Creek Amphitheatre, Saturday 9/20

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